Veggie Stock

By April 13, 2015 Recipes No Comments

This post is going to be super easy peezy lemon squeezy. It’s about making VEGGIE STOCK. Or some people like to call it VEGGIE BROTH (although technically, there is a slight difference, but whatevsss haha) So here’s how I make my version of VEGGIE STOCK, as usual I always put the Indonesian translation to it in brackets. You can make your own version. Just remember, don’t be stingy on the veggies. They will bring out all the aroma and goodness and chockfull of NUTRIENTS!! NEVER again will you go back to packaged food industry broth or stock.


4 chopped carrots
2 cups brown onion (bawang bombay), chopped
1 handful of Chinese Leek ( kucai)
1 handful of spring onion ( daun bawang)
1 handful of parsley ( daun peterseli)
1 handful of cilantro (daun wansui/daun ketumbar)
1 cup of celery chopped (or if using asian celery which are thinner, just 1 handful)
1 red bell pepper chopped ( paprika merah)
2-5 garlic cloves chopped
2 t coarse black pepper (merica bubuk hitam kasar)
2 bay leaves (daun salam)
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes chopped (optional but reccomended)
2 liters water ( around 1 quart of water)

Put them all in a pot, add water, let it boil, then once boiled, turn down heat and let sit on stove for 30-45 minutes, without covering the pan. Add more water slowly if you feel the need to. Once cooked, turn off heat and let cool, then strain and keep.

In the refrigerator, it should keep for 3-5 days. For longer life, i put mine in ice cube trays and freeze them, they can go for 3 months even!

Taruh semua di panci berisi air dan masak hingga mendidih, lalu kecilkan api dan biarkan selama 30-45 menit, panci tidak ditutup. Kalau airnya kurang, silakan tambah sendiri sedikit2. Biarkan sejuk, lalu saring dan simpan di kulkas biasa dapat bertahan 3-5 hari. Di freezer (bekukan ke dalam wadah es batu) dapat bertahan sampai 3 bulan. STOP memakai kaldu buatan pabrik ya. Coba ini aja. Kita tahu apa yang kita masukkan di dalamnya :)) Keluarga adalah harta bukan? Berikanlah kepada mereka yang terbaik.

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